Policies & Procedures

Capability Policy Adopted on 08-09-21

Code-of-Conduct Adopted on 08-09-21

Complaints Procedure Adopted on 08-09-21

Communications Policy (v1) Adopted on 10-03-21

Data Protection Policy Adopted 08-09-21

Disciplinary Policy Adopted on 08-09-21

Drug and Alcohol Abuse Policy Adopted on 08-09-21

Employee Privacy Notice Policy Adopted on 08-09-21

 Equal Opportunities Policy Statement and Procedure Adopted 08-09-21

Financial-Regulations Adopted on 10-01-24

Finance Committee Terms of Reference   Adopted on 08-09-21

Grants Policy Adopted 08-09-21

Grievance Procedure Employees  Adopted on 08-09-21

Grievance Procedure Town Clerk Adopted on 08-09-21

Grit Bins Policy Adopted on 08-09-21

Guide to Freedom of Information Act  Guidance only

Health and Safety Policy Adopted on 08-09-21

Managing Stress in the workplace Adopted on 08-09-21

Model Publication Scheme Adopted on 08-09-21

Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Terms of Reference Adopted on 12-08-20

Parks and Open Spaces Hire Policy  Adopted 08-09-21

Protocol on Recording Adopted on 08-09-21

Recreation and Planning Committee Terms of Reference (v2) Adopted 24-02-2021

Retention and Disposal Policy  Adopted on 08-09-21

Risk Assessment 2024 Adopted on 08-09-21

Sickness Absence Policy Adopted on 08-09-21

Staffing Committee Terms of Reference Adopted 28-09-21

Staff Appraisal Policy Adopted on 08-09-21

Standing Orders Adopted 13-03-24

Systems-of-Internal-Control  Adopted 13-03-24

Strategic Plan Adopted 08-09-21

The Local Government Transparency Code Adopted on 08-09-21

Virtual Meetings Policy Adopted 08-09-21

Vexatious Complaints Procedure Adopted 29-09-21